“I will not press charges”….Arnold schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger,a Hollywood star , was talking to fans at Arnold Classic Africa sporting event on Saturday when a young man kicked him from behind , BBC NEWS reports .

In a video footage released by BBC NEWS , the Nollywood star slipped after the kick, while the assailant fell on the ground, where he is immediately subdued by a security guard.

According to the event officers , the unidentified man was later handed over to police officers

Watch the video here .

Check out @Schwarzenegger’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/Schwarzenegger/status/1129805366513025028?s=09

In his tweet, Schwarzenegger said ;

“I thought I was just jostled by the crowd, which happens a lot. I only realised I was kicked when I saw the video like all of you.”

How ever ,the Terminator star has come out to say he is not pressing charges against his assailant.

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